Continux GmbH, Sponsor

Continux GmbH, Sponsor

Datensicherung / Projektmanagement / Prozessoptimierung / Schulungen / Software / Softwareentwicklung / Websiteauftritte

Continux offers IP Management software

Continux is a web-based, collaborative platform and application that integrates with other applications. Launched in 2012 Continux is primarily sold as a IP management and storage system, but it is highly configurable and usage varies substantially between organizations.

Continux is always accessible, wherever you care to work. Simply start your browser and you’re free to work at any time of day or night.

When out of the office, you can use the software on your laptop, tablet, PC or mobile phone. It is also fully functional on Macintosh hardware.

The data is save with dedicated servers which cannot be accessed by third parties, including security updates mirrored by us.
Data saving and restoring is included in the services of Continux. Stop thinking about any issues with your network regarding data saving and data availability. Let this be done by experts.

Verwandte Themen

Raimund Weiss Dipl.-Ing. , Kooperationspartner

11. Juli 2017

Martin Goerlich, Kooperationspartner

11. Juli 2017

Ruth Baureiss, Kooperationspartnerin

11. Juli 2017